Sunday, June 17, 2012

Contoh Print Preeview Pada Visual Basic 6.0

Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
CommonDialog1.CancelError = True
Command1.Caption = "Load Picture"
Command2.Caption = "Print Preview"
Command3.Caption = "Print"
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim sFileFilter As String

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

sFileFilter = "Bitmap Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp|"
sFileFilter = sFileFilter & "GIF Files (*.gif)|*.gif|"
sFileFilter = sFileFilter & "Icon Files (*.ico)|*.ico|"
sFileFilter = sFileFilter & "JPEG Files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|"
sFileFilter = sFileFilter & "Windows MetaFiles (*.wmf)|.wmf"
With CommonDialog1
.Filter = sFileFilter
If .FileName <> " " Then
Picture2.Picture = LoadPicture(.FileName)
End If
End With

Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim dRatio As Double
dRatio = ScalePicPreviewToPrinterInches(Picture1)
PrintRoutine Picture1, dRatio
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Printer.ScaleMode = vbInches
PrintRoutine Printer
End Sub

Private Function ScalePicPreviewToPrinterInches _
(picPreview As PictureBox) As Double

Dim Ratio As Double ' Ratio between Printer and Picture
Dim LRGap As Double, TBGap As Double
Dim HeightRatio As Double, WidthRatio As Double
Dim PgWidth As Double, PgHeight As Double
Dim smtemp As Long

' Get the physical page size in Inches:
PgWidth = Printer.Width / 1440
PgHeight = Printer.Height / 1440

' Find the size of the non-printable area on the printer to
' use to offset coordinates. These formulas assume the
' printable area is centered on the page:
smtemp = Printer.ScaleMode
Printer.ScaleMode = vbInches
LRGap = (PgWidth - Printer.ScaleWidth) / 2
TBGap = (PgHeight - Printer.ScaleHeight) / 2
Printer.ScaleMode = smtemp

' Scale PictureBox to Printer's printable area in Inches:
picPreview.ScaleMode = vbInches

' Compare the height and with ratios to determine the
' Ratio to use and how to size the picture box:
HeightRatio = picPreview.ScaleHeight / PgHeight
WidthRatio = picPreview.ScaleWidth / PgWidth

If HeightRatio < WidthRatio Then
Ratio = HeightRatio
smtemp = picPreview.Container.ScaleMode
picPreview.Container.ScaleMode = vbInches
picPreview.Width = PgWidth * Ratio
picPreview.Container.ScaleMode = smtemp
Ratio = WidthRatio
smtemp = picPreview.Container.ScaleMode
picPreview.Container.ScaleMode = vbInches
picPreview.Height = PgHeight * Ratio
picPreview.Container.ScaleMode = smtemp
End If

' Set default properties of picture box to match printer
' There are many that you could add here:
picPreview.Scale (0, 0)-(PgWidth, PgHeight)
picPreview.Font.Name = Printer.Font.Name
picPreview.FontSize = Printer.FontSize * Ratio
picPreview.ForeColor = Printer.ForeColor

ScalePicPreviewToPrinterInches = Ratio
End Function

Private Sub PrintRoutine(objPrint As Object, _
Optional Ratio As Double = 1)
' All dimensions in inches:

' Print some graphics to the control object
objPrint.Line (1, 1)-(1 + 6.5, 1 + 9), , B
objPrint.Line (1.1, 2)-(1.1, 2)
objPrint.PaintPicture Picture2, 1.1, 1.1, 0.8, 0.8
objPrint.Line (2.1, 1.2)-(2.1 + 5.2, 1.2 + 0.7), _
RGB(200, 200, 200), BF

' Print a title
With objPrint
.Font.Name = "Arial"
.CurrentX = 2.3
.CurrentY = 1.3
.FontSize = 35 * Ratio
objPrint.Print "Visual Basic Printing"
End With

' Print some circles
Dim x As Single
For x = 3 To 5.5 Step 0.2
objPrint.Circle (x, 3.5), 0.75

' Print some text
With objPrint
.Font.Name = "Courier New"
.FontSize = 30 * Ratio
.CurrentX = 1.5
.CurrentY = 5
objPrint.Print "It is possible to do"

.FontSize = 24 * Ratio
.CurrentX = 1.5
.CurrentY = 6.5
objPrint.Print "It is possible to do print"

.FontSize = 18 * Ratio
.CurrentX = 1.5
.CurrentY = 8
objPrint.Print "It is possible to do print preview"
End With
End Sub
READ MORE - Contoh Print Preeview Pada Visual Basic 6.0

Memperoleh Array Dari Prosedur Fungsi

Option Explicit

Private aiLeftSide() As Integer
Private asLeftSide() As String
Private aiRightSide(1 To 10) As Integer
Private asRightSide(1 To 10) As String
Private obj As Object

Public Function ArrayFromClass() As String()
Dim astr(1 To 10) As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
astr(i) = "Class array element " & Str(i)
Next i
ArrayFromClass = astr()
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
aiLeftSide = aiRightSide
asLeftSide = asRightSide
For i = 1 To UBound(aiLeftSide)
Debug.Print aiLeftSide(i)
Next i
For i = 1 To UBound(asLeftSide)
Debug.Print asLeftSide(i)
Next i
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim aInt() As Integer
Dim astr() As String
aInt = ReturnIntArray
astr = ReturnStringArray
For i = 1 To UBound(aInt)
Debug.Print aInt(i)
Next i
For i = 1 To UBound(astr)
Debug.Print astr(i)
Next i
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim astr() As String
Dim i As Integer
astr = obj.ArrayFromClass
For i = 1 To UBound(astr)
Debug.Print astr(i)
Next i
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
Command1.Caption = "Assign Array"
Command2.Caption = "Call Function that returns Array"
Command3.Caption = "Call Object method that returns Array"
For i = 1 To 10
aiRightSide(i) = i
asRightSide(i) = "This is element " & Str(i)
Next i
Set obj = New Class1
End Sub

Private Function ReturnStringArray() As String()
Dim aString(1 To 10) As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To UBound(aString)
aString(i) = "Element " & Str(i)
Next i
ReturnStringArray = aString()
End Sub

Private Function ReturnIntArray() As Integer()
Dim aInt(1 To 10) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
aInt(i) = i
Next i
ReturnIntArray = aInt()
End Sub
READ MORE - Memperoleh Array Dari Prosedur Fungsi

Mengirim dan Menerima Email Menggunakan MAPI

Option Explicit

Dim X As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click()

If X - 1 < 0 Then
X = X - 1
MAPIMessages1.MsgIndex = X
Text1.Text = MAPIMessages1.RecipDisplayName
Text2.Text = MAPIMessages1.MsgSubject
Text3.Text = MAPIMessages1.MsgOrigDisplayName
Text4.Text = MAPIMessages1.MsgNoteText
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

If X + 1 > MAPIMessages1.MsgCount Then
X = MAPIMessages1.MsgCount
X = X + 1
MAPIMessages1.MsgIndex = X
Text1.Text = MAPIMessages1.RecipDisplayName
Text2.Text = MAPIMessages1.MsgSubject
Text3.Text = MAPIMessages1.MsgOrigDisplayName
Text4.Text = MAPIMessages1.MsgNoteText
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
MAPIMessages1.SessionID = MAPISession1.SessionID
If MAPIMessages1.MsgCount > 0 Then
Text1.Text = MAPIMessages1.RecipDisplayName
Text2.Text = MAPIMessages1.MsgSubject
Text3.Text = MAPIMessages1.MsgOrigDisplayName
Text4.Text = MAPIMessages1.MsgNoteText
Command4.Enabled = True
MsgBox "No messages to fetch"
Command4.Enabled = False
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

MAPIMessages1.RecipDisplayName = Text1.Text
MAPIMessages1.MsgSubject = Text2.Text
MAPIMessages1.MsgNoteText = Text4.Text

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub
READ MORE - Mengirim dan Menerima Email Menggunakan MAPI

Form dan Control Yang Terbebas Resolusi Layar

'Kode Pada Form
Option Explicit

Dim DesignX As Integer
Dim DesignY As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim ScaleFactorX As Single, ScaleFactorY As Single ' Scaling factors
' Size of Form in Pixels at design resolution
DesignX = 800
DesignY = 600
RePosForm = True ' Flag for positioning Form
DoResize = False ' Flag for Resize Event
' Set up the screen values
Xtwips = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
Ytwips = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
Ypixels = Screen.Height / Ytwips ' Y Pixel Resolution
Xpixels = Screen.Width / Xtwips ' X Pixel Resolution

' Determine scaling factors
ScaleFactorX = (Xpixels / DesignX)
ScaleFactorY = (Ypixels / DesignY)
ScaleMode = 1 ' twips
'Exit Sub ' uncomment to see how Form1 looks without resizing
Resize_For_Resolution ScaleFactorX, ScaleFactorY, Me
Label1.Caption = "Current resolution is " & Str$(Xpixels) + _
" by " + Str$(Ypixels)
MyForm.Height = Me.Height ' Remember the current size
MyForm.Width = Me.Width
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
Dim ScaleFactorX As Single, ScaleFactorY As Single

If Not DoResize Then ' To avoid infinite loop
DoResize = True
Exit Sub
End If

RePosForm = False
ScaleFactorX = Me.Width / MyForm.Width ' How much change?
ScaleFactorY = Me.Height / MyForm.Height
Resize_For_Resolution ScaleFactorX, ScaleFactorY, Me
MyForm.Height = Me.Height ' Remember the current size
MyForm.Width = Me.Width
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim ScaleFactorX As Single, ScaleFactorY As Single

DesignX = Xpixels
DesignY = Ypixels
RePosForm = True
DoResize = False
' Set up the screen values
Xtwips = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
Ytwips = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
Ypixels = Screen.Height / Ytwips ' Y Pixel Resolution
Xpixels = Screen.Width / Xtwips ' X Pixel Resolution

' Determine scaling factors
ScaleFactorX = (Xpixels / DesignX)
ScaleFactorY = (Ypixels / DesignY)
Resize_For_Resolution ScaleFactorX, ScaleFactorY, Me
Label1.Caption = "Current resolution is " & Str$(Xpixels) + _
" by " + Str$(Ypixels)
MyForm.Height = Me.Height ' Remember the current size
MyForm.Width = Me.Width
End Sub

'Kode pada Module
Option Explicit

Public Xtwips As Integer, Ytwips As Integer
Public Xpixels As Integer, Ypixels As Integer

Height As Long
Width As Long
End Type

Public RePosForm As Boolean
Public DoResize As Boolean

Sub Resize_For_Resolution(ByVal SFX As Single, ByVal SFY As Single, MyForm As Form)
Dim I As Integer
Dim SFFont As Single

SFFont = (SFX + SFY) / 2
On Error Resume Next
With MyForm
For I = 0 To .Count - 1
If TypeOf .Controls(I) Is ComboBox Then
.Controls(I).Left = .Controls(I).Left * SFX
.Controls(I).Top = .Controls(I).Top * SFY
.Controls(I).Width = .Controls(I).Width * SFX
.Controls(I).Move .Controls(I).Left * SFX, .Controls(I).Top * SFY, .Controls(I).Width * SFX, .Controls(I).Height * SFY
End If
.Controls(I).FontSize = .Controls(I).FontSize * SFFont
Next I
If RePosForm Then
.Move .Left * SFX, .Top * SFY, .Width * SFX, .Height * SFY
End If
End With
End Sub
READ MORE - Form dan Control Yang Terbebas Resolusi Layar

Contoh Menjalankan Procedure Di dalam Script Control

Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()
ScriptControl1.Modules.Add Text1.Text
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
ScriptControl1.Modules(List1).AddCode Text1.Text
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim RetVal As Variant, m As Variant
Set m = ScriptControl1.Modules(List1.Text)
With m.Procedures(List2.Text)
Select Case .NumArgs
Case 0
RetVal = m.Run(List2.Text)
Case 1
RetVal = m.Run(List2.Text, 5)
Case 2
RetVal = m.Run(List2.Text, 4, 23)
Case Else
MsgBox "Procedure has too many arguments"
End Select
If .HasReturnValue Then
MsgBox List2.Text & " returned: " & RetVal
End If
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Activate()
Dim m As Variant
With ScriptControl1
.Language = "VBScript"
.AllowUI = True
For Each m In .Modules
List1.AddItem m.Name
Next m
End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Command1.Caption = "Add Module"
Command2.Caption = "Add Code"
Command3.Caption = "Run Procedure"
End Sub

Private Sub List1_Click()
Dim m As String, p As Variant
m = List1
If m = "" Then Exit Sub
For Each p In ScriptControl1.Modules(m).Procedures
List2.AddItem p.Name
Next p
End Sub

Private Sub List2_Click()
Dim m As String, p As String, r As Boolean, a As Long
m = List1
p = List2
With ScriptControl1.Modules(m).Procedures(p)
r = .HasReturnValue
a = .NumArgs
End With
MsgBox m & "." & p & " has " & IIf(r, "a", "no") & _
" return value and " & a & " arguments"
End Sub

'Tambahkan module dan prosedur di bawah ini pada script control
Function Calc(X)
Calc = X * 2
End Function

Function Calc(X, Y)
Calc = X * Y
End Function

Sub Test()
MsgBox "The Test Sub in Module Mod2"
End Sub
READ MORE - Contoh Menjalankan Procedure Di dalam Script Control

Cara Menggunakan Error Object Yang Ada Pada Script Control

Option Explicit

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
With ScriptControl1
.Language = "VBScript"
.AllowUI = True
.AddCode Text1.Text
.Run "Test"
End With
If Err Then
MsgBox Err & " " & Error
ListErrors ScriptControl1
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ListErrors(S As ScriptControl)
With S.Error
Debug.Print "Number:", .Number
Debug.Print "Source:", .Source
Debug.Print "Desc:", .Description
Debug.Print "Line: " & .Line, "Column: " & .Column
Debug.Print "Text:", .Text
Debug.Print "Help File:", .HelpFile
Debug.Print "Help Context:", .HelpContext
End With
End Sub
READ MORE - Cara Menggunakan Error Object Yang Ada Pada Script Control

Contoh Memparsing XML Attributes

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim fso As Object
Dim sDir As String
Dim doc As Object
Dim oFile As Object

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sDir = "C:\work"
Set doc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
doc.async = False
For Each oFile In fso.GetFolder(sDir).Files
Debug.Print "looking at", oFile.Name
Debug.Print "will load", oFile.Path
If doc.Load(oFile.Path) Then
Debug.Print "successfully loaded", oFile.Name
End If
Set ndlEventId = doc.documentElement.selectNodes("//*")
For i = 0 To ndlEventId.length - 1
Debug.Print ndlEventId(i).nodeName & " :: " & ndlEventId(i).Text
If ndlEventId(i).Text = "" Then
s = ndlEventId(i).nodeName
Debug.Print s
Set attrvalue = doc.getAttribute(s)
Debug.Print attrvalue
End If
End Sub
READ MORE - Contoh Memparsing XML Attributes

Konversi Detik Ke Hari, Jam, Menit, dan Detik

Public Function SecondsToDateTimeSerial(ByVal Sec As Long) As String
Dim lngSecParam As Long
Dim lngSeconds As Long
Dim lngHours As Long
Dim lngMinutes As Long
Dim tempSecParam As Long

lngSecParam = Sec
lngSeconds = lngSecParam \ 86400
lngSecParam = lngSecParam - (lngSeconds * 86400)
lngHours = lngSecParam \ 3600
lngSecParam = lngSecParam - (lngHours * 3600)
lngMinutes = lngSecParam \ 60
lngSecParam = lngSecParam - (lngMinutes * 60)
tempSecParam = lngSecParam

SecondsToDateTimeSerial = _
IIf(Sec >= 86400, lngSeconds & " day(s), ", vbNullString) & _
IIf(Sec >= 0, Format(lngHours, "0#") & ":", vbNullString) & _
Format(lngMinutes, "0#") & ":" & Format(tempSecParam, "0#")
End Function
READ MORE - Konversi Detik Ke Hari, Jam, Menit, dan Detik

MSXML Encode Decode Base64

Private Function EncodeBase64(ByRef arrData() As Byte) As String

Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim objNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement

' help from MSXML
Set objXML = New MSXML2.DOMDocument

' byte array to base64
Set objNode = objXML.createElement("b64")
objNode.dataType = "bin.base64"
objNode.nodeTypedValue = arrData
EncodeBase64 = objNode.Text

' thanks, bye
Set objNode = Nothing
Set objXML = Nothing

End Function

Private Function DecodeBase64(ByVal strData As String) As Byte()

Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim objNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement

' help from MSXML
Set objXML = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set objNode = objXML.createElement("b64")
objNode.dataType = "bin.base64"
objNode.Text = strData
DecodeBase64 = objNode.nodeTypedValue

' thanks, bye
Set objNode = Nothing
Set objXML = Nothing

End Function

Public Sub Main()

Dim strData As String

strData = EncodeBase64(StrConv("Greetings and Salutations", vbFromUnicode))
Debug.Print strData
Debug.Print StrConv(DecodeBase64(strData), vbUnicode)

End Sub
READ MORE - MSXML Encode Decode Base64

PrintWindow - Capture Form Beserta Seluruh Objeknya

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function PrintWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hdcBlt As Long, ByVal nFlags As Long) As Long

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Picture1.AutoRedraw = True
Set Picture1.Picture = Nothing
PrintWindow Me.hwnd, Picture1.hDC, 0
End Sub
READ MORE - PrintWindow - Capture Form Beserta Seluruh Objeknya

Contoh Menggunakan Proxy Pada Internet Transfer Control

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Inet1.AccessType = icNamedProxy
Inet1.Proxy = "ftp=ftp://ftp-gw"
Inet1.URL = ""
Inet1.Execute , "DIR"
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Inet2.AccessType = icNamedProxy
Inet2.Proxy = "http://proxy:80"
MsgBox Inet1.OpenURL("")
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Inet3.AccessType = icNamedProxy
Inet3.Proxy = "ftp=ftp://ftp-gw http=http://itgproxy:80"
MsgBox Inet2.OpenURL("")
End Sub

Private Sub Inet1_StateChanged(ByVal State As Integer)
Dim vtData As Variant
Select Case State
Case icResponseCompleted
Open "c:\temp\output.txt" For Binary Access Write As #1

vtData = Inet1.GetChunk(1024, icString)

Do While LenB(vtData) > 0
Put #1, , vtData
vtData = Inet1.GetChunk(1024, icString)
Put #1, , vtData
Close #1
End Select
End Sub
READ MORE - Contoh Menggunakan Proxy Pada Internet Transfer Control

Contoh Mengurutkan ListView Berdasarkan Tanggal

'Kode pada Module
Option Explicit

Public Type POINT
x As Long
y As Long
End Type

flags As Long
psz As String
lParam As Long
vkDirection As Long
End Type

Public Type LV_ITEM
mask As Long
iItem As Long
iSubItem As Long
State As Long
stateMask As Long
pszText As Long
cchTextMax As Long
iImage As Long
lParam As Long
iIndent As Long
End Type

Private Const LVFI_PARAM = 1
Private Const LVIF_TEXT = &H1
Private Const LVM_FIRST = &H1000
Private Const LVM_FINDITEM = LVM_FIRST + 13

Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

Public Function CompareDates(ByVal lngParam1 As Long, ByVal lngParam2 As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long

Dim strName1 As String
Dim strName2 As String
Dim dDate1 As Date
Dim dDate2 As Date

ListView_GetItemData lngParam1, hWnd, strName1, dDate1
ListView_GetItemData lngParam2, hWnd, strName2, dDate2

If dDate1 < dDate2 Then
CompareDates = 0
ElseIf dDate1 = dDate2 Then
CompareDates = 1
CompareDates = 2
End If

End Function

Public Sub ListView_GetItemData(lngParam As Long, hWnd As Long, strName As String, dDate As Date)
Dim objFind As LV_FINDINFO
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim objItem As LV_ITEM
Dim baBuffer(32) As Byte
Dim lngLength As Long

objFind.flags = LVFI_PARAM
objFind.lParam = lngParam
lngIndex = SendMessage(hWnd, LVM_FINDITEM, -1, VarPtr(objFind))

objItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT
objItem.iSubItem = 0
objItem.pszText = VarPtr(baBuffer(0))
objItem.cchTextMax = UBound(baBuffer)
lngLength = SendMessage(hWnd, LVM_GETITEMTEXT, lngIndex, VarPtr(objItem))
strName = Left$(StrConv(baBuffer, vbUnicode), lngLength)

objItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT
objItem.iSubItem = 1
objItem.pszText = VarPtr(baBuffer(0))
objItem.cchTextMax = UBound(baBuffer)
lngLength = SendMessage(hWnd, LVM_GETITEMTEXT, lngIndex, VarPtr(objItem))
If lngLength > 0 Then
dDate = CDate(Left$(StrConv(baBuffer, vbUnicode), lngLength))
End If

End Sub

Public Sub ListView_GetListItem(lngIndex As Long, hWnd As Long, strName As String, dDate As Date)
Dim objItem As LV_ITEM
Dim baBuffer(32) As Byte
Dim lngLength As Long

objItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT
objItem.iSubItem = 0
objItem.pszText = VarPtr(baBuffer(0))
objItem.cchTextMax = UBound(baBuffer)
lngLength = SendMessage(hWnd, LVM_GETITEMTEXT, lngIndex, VarPtr(objItem))
strName = Left$(StrConv(baBuffer, vbUnicode), lngLength)

objItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT
objItem.iSubItem = 1
objItem.pszText = VarPtr(baBuffer(0))
objItem.cchTextMax = UBound(baBuffer)
lngLength = SendMessage(hWnd, LVM_GETITEMTEXT, lngIndex, VarPtr(objItem))
If lngLength > 0 Then
dDate = CDate(Left$(StrConv(baBuffer, vbUnicode), lngLength))
End If

End Sub

'Kode pada Form
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim clmAdd As ColumnHeader
Dim itmAdd As ListItem

Set clmAdd = ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add(Text:="Name")
Set clmAdd = ListView1.ColumnHeaders.Add(Text:="Date")

ListView1.View = lvwReport

Set itmAdd = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:="Joe")
itmAdd.SubItems(1) = "05/07/97"

Set itmAdd = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:="Sally")
itmAdd.SubItems(1) = "04/08/97"

Set itmAdd = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:="Bill")
itmAdd.SubItems(1) = "05/29/97"

Set itmAdd = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:="Fred")
itmAdd.SubItems(1) = "05/17/97"

Set itmAdd = ListView1.ListItems.Add(Text:="Anne")
itmAdd.SubItems(1) = "04/01/97"

End Sub

Private Sub ListView1_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As ComctlLib.ColumnHeader)

Dim strName As String
Dim dDate As Date
Dim lngItem As Long

If ColumnHeader.Text = "Name" Then
ListView1.Sorted = True
ListView1.SortKey = 0
ListView1.Sorted = False
SendMessage ListView1.hWnd, LVM_SORTITEMS, ListView1.hWnd, AddressOf CompareDates
End If


For lngItem = 0 To ListView1.ListItems.Count - 1
ListView_GetListItem lngItem, ListView1.hWnd, strName, dDate

End Sub
READ MORE - Contoh Mengurutkan ListView Berdasarkan Tanggal

Contoh Menggunakan tarts-with() Dalam Fungsi XPath

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim doc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim nlist As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim node As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode

Set doc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
doc.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
doc.Load "c:\books.xml"
Set nlist = doc.selectNodes("//book/author/first-name[starts-with(.,'M')]")
MsgBox "Matching Nodes : " & nlist.length

For Each node In nlist
Debug.Print node.nodeName & " : " & node.Text
End Sub
READ MORE - Contoh Menggunakan tarts-with() Dalam Fungsi XPath

Contoh Kode XML Query XPath

Option Explicit

Dim gCn As New ADODB.Connection

Const DBGUID_DEFAULT As String = "{C8B521FB-5CF3-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}"
Const DBGUID_SQL As String = "{C8B522D7-5CF3-11CE-ADE5-00AA0044773D}"
Const DBGUID_MSSQLXML As String = "{5D531CB2-E6Ed-11D2-B252-00C04F681B71}"
Const DBGUID_XPATH As String = "{ec2a4293-e898-11d2-b1b7-00c04f680c56}"

Private Sub cmdExitProgram_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub cmdTestIt_Click()

Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim strm As ADODB.Stream

On Error GoTo trap
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = gCn

Set strm = New ADODB.Stream
cmd.Dialect = DBGUID_XPATH

cmd.Properties("Mapping Schema") = App.Path & "\CustomerOrder.xdr"
cmd.Properties("Output Stream") = strm

txtXPath = Trim(txtXPath)
If txtXPath = "" Then
txtXPath = "Customers"
End If

cmd.CommandText = txtXPath
cmd.Execute , , adExecuteStream
strm.Position = 0
txtResults = strm.ReadText
txtResults = Replace(txtResults, "><", ">" & vbCrLf & "<")
strm.Position = 0

GoTo cleanup


MsgBox "Error (" & Err.Number & ") -- " & Err.Description

Set strm = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing

Exit Sub

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

On Error GoTo trap
Set gCn = New ADODB.Connection
gCn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=Northwind;uid=sa;pwd="
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Failed to connect to database. Program Shutting down."
Unload Me
End Sub
READ MORE - Contoh Kode XML Query XPath

Penyimpanan URL Seperti Pada Blogger - Blogspot

Private Function BloggerTitle(Title As String) As String
Dim strCaption() As String
strCaption = Split(Title, " ")
Dim i As Integer
Dim o As String
For i = 0 To UBound(strCaption)
If Len(Trim$(o) & " " & strCaption(i)) < 40 Then
o = Trim$(o) & " " & strCaption(i)
Exit For
End If
BloggerTitle = LCase(Replace(Trim$(o), " ", "-"))
End Function
READ MORE - Penyimpanan URL Seperti Pada Blogger - Blogspot

Menampillkan File Pada Directory Yang Ditentukan

'Judul      : Memunculkan file atau sub direktori pada direktori yang ditentukan
'Coder : Tongam Tampubolon (Tomero)
'Penjelasan : Buat 1 Listbox, 1 CommandButton, Masukkan kode tsb dalam Form1

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Call ProsesLokasi(List1, "E:\", "mp3", True)
MsgBox "Selesai"
End Sub

'Prosedur memunculkan lokasi file/folder pada kontrol listbox
'ListTampil => Kontrol ListBox Target
'Lokasi => Alamat Drive/Direktori awal permulaan pencarian
'SaringExtension => Penentuan file yg ditmunculkan dalam ListBox
'Rekursif => Penentuan pemrosesan subdirektori

Private Sub ProsesLokasi(ListTampil As ListBox, Lokasi As String, SaringExtension As String, Rekursif As Boolean)

Dim NamaFile As String
Dim IndexFolder As Long
Dim TotalFolder As Long
Dim Folder() As String

'Karena dipastikan sebuah drive atau directory
'maka ditambahkan slash "\" dibelakang
Lokasi = TambahSlash(Lokasi)
'Ambil Nama File Pertama
NamaFile = Dir$(Lokasi & "*.*", vbNormal + vbHidden + vbDirectory + vbSystem + vbReadOnly + vbArchive + vbSystem)

'Ulangi Sampai Tidak Ditemui File/Folder
While NamaFile = ""
'Periksa Apakah Objek yg didapat berupa folder atau file
If NamaFile = "." And NamaFile = ".." Then
If JenisFolder(Lokasi & NamaFile) = False Then 'File
'Seleksi Berdasarkan extensi file yg ingin di proses
If SaringExtension = "" Then
If Right(LCase(NamaFile), Len(SaringExtension) + 1) = "." & LCase(SaringExtension) Then
ListTampil.AddItem Lokasi & NamaFile
End If
End If
Else 'Folder
ReDim Preserve Folder(IndexFolder)
Folder(IndexFolder) = Lokasi & TambahSlash(NamaFile)
ListTampil.AddItem Lokasi & TambahSlash(NamaFile)
IndexFolder = IndexFolder + 1
End If
End If


'Ambil Nama File/Folder Berikutnya
NamaFile = Dir$()

'Jika rekursif, ambil isi sub direktori
If Rekursif = True And IndexFolder > 0 Then
TotalFolder = IndexFolder - 1
For IndexFolder = 0 To TotalFolder
Call ProsesLokasi(ListTampil, Folder(IndexFolder), SaringExtension, Rekursif)
End If

End Sub

'Fungsi untuk menentukan jenis suatu objek
Private Function JenisFolder(Lokasi As String) As Boolean
Dim CC As Long
'On Error GoTo NA:
CC = FileLen(Lokasi)
If CC > 0 Then
JenisFolder = False
JenisFolder = True
End If
Exit Function


JenisFolder = True

End Function

'Fungsi menambahkan slash "\" pada lokasi direktori
Private Function TambahSlash(Data As String) As String
TambahSlash = IIf(Right$(Data, 1) = "\", Data, Data & "\")
End Function
READ MORE - Menampillkan File Pada Directory Yang Ditentukan

Cara Menggunakan CommonDialog Printer

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim BeginPage, EndPage, NumCopies, i
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
With CommonDialog1
.CancelError = True
BeginPage = .FromPage
EndPage = .ToPage
NumCopies = .Copies
End With

For i = 1 To NumCopies
'simpan kode di sini
Next i
Exit Sub
Exit Sub
End Sub
READ MORE - Cara Menggunakan CommonDialog Printer

CommonDialog Help, Cara Menggunakannya

Private Sub Command1_Click()
With CommonDialog1
.HelpFile = "mis.chm"
.HelpCommand = cdlHelpContents
End With
End Sub
READ MORE - CommonDialog Help, Cara Menggunakannya

CommonDialog Font, Cara Menggunakannya

Private Sub Command1_Click()
With CommonDialog1
.CancelError = True
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
.Flags = cdlCFEffects Or cdlCFBoth
Text1.Font.Name = .FontName
Text1.Font.Size = .FontSize
Text1.Font.Bold = .FontBold
Text1.Font.Italic = .FontItalic
Text1.Font.Underline = .FontUnderline
Text1.FontStrikethru = .FontStrikethru
Text1.ForeColor = .Color
End With
Exit Sub
Exit Sub
End Sub
READ MORE - CommonDialog Font, Cara Menggunakannya

CommonDialog Color, Cara Menggunakannya

Private Sub Command1_Click()
With CommonDialog1
.CancelError = True
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
.Flags = cdlCCRGBInit
Form1.BackColor = .Color
End With
Exit Sub
End Sub
READ MORE - CommonDialog Color, Cara Menggunakannya

VB6 Code - XML Yang Mengandung Binary Data

Option Explicit

Dim oDoc As DOMDocument

Private Sub cmdCreateXML_Click()

Dim oEle As IXMLDOMElement
Dim oRoot As IXMLDOMElement
Dim oNode As IXMLDOMNode

DOCINPATH = App.Path & "\DocInput.doc"
XMLOUTPATH = App.Path & "\XmlOuput.xml"

Call ReleaseObjects

Set oDoc = New DOMDocument
oDoc.resolveExternals = True

Set oNode = oDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0'")
Set oNode = oDoc.insertBefore(oNode, oDoc.childNodes.Item(0))

Set oRoot = oDoc.createElement("Root")
Set oDoc.documentElement = oRoot
oRoot.setAttribute "xmlns:dt", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes"

Set oNode = oDoc.createElement("Document")
oNode.Text = "Demo"
oRoot.appendChild oNode

Set oNode = oDoc.createElement("CreateDate")
oRoot.appendChild oNode
Set oEle = oNode

oEle.dataType = "date"
oEle.nodeTypedValue = Now

Set oNode = oDoc.createElement("bgColor")
oRoot.appendChild oNode
Set oEle = oNode

oEle.dataType = "bin.hex"
oEle.Text = &HFFCCCC

Set oNode = oDoc.createElement("Data")
oRoot.appendChild oNode
Set oEle = oNode

oEle.dataType = "bin.base64"
oEle.nodeTypedValue = ReadBinData(DOCINPATH)

MsgBox XMLOUTPATH & " is created for you."

End Sub

Function ReadBinData(ByVal strFileName As String) As Variant
Dim lLen As Long
Dim iFile As Integer
Dim arrBytes() As Byte
Dim lCount As Long
Dim strOut As String

iFile = FreeFile()
Open strFileName For Binary Access Read As iFile
lLen = FileLen(strFileName)
ReDim arrBytes(lLen - 1)
Get iFile, , arrBytes
Close iFile

ReadBinData = arrBytes
End Function

Private Sub WriteBinData(ByVal strFileName As String)
Dim iFile As Integer
Dim arrBuffer() As Byte
Dim oNode As IXMLDOMNode

If Not (oDoc Is Nothing) Then
Set oNode = oDoc.documentElement.selectSingleNode("/Root/Data")
arrBuffer = oNode.nodeTypedValue
iFile = FreeFile()
Open strFileName For Binary Access Write As iFile
Put iFile, , arrBuffer
Close iFile
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmdGetBinary_Click()
DOCOUTPATH = App.Path & "\DocOutput.doc"
Set oDoc = New DOMDocument
If oDoc.Load(XMLOUTPATH) = True Then

MsgBox DOCOUTPATH & " is created for you."
MsgBox oDoc.parseError.reason
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub ReleaseObjects()
Set oDoc = Nothing
End Sub
READ MORE - VB6 Code - XML Yang Mengandung Binary Data

Menggunakan XMLHTTP dan MSXML

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim soapReq As String
Dim objSOAPXMLDoc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument30

Dim btArr() As Byte

Dim backSlashPos As Integer
Dim fileNameNoPath As String

soapReq = " " & _
" " & _
" " & _
" " & _
" " & _
" " & _
" & _
" & _
" "

backSlashPos = InStrRev(txtFileName.Text, "\")
If backSlashPos > 0 Then
fileNameNoPath = Mid(txtFileName.Text, backSlashPos + 1)
fileNameNoPath = txtFileName.Text
End If

objSOAPXMLDoc.loadXML soapReq

objSOAPXMLDoc.setProperty "SelectionNamespaces", _

objSOAPXMLDoc.selectSingleNode("//pxml:fileName").nodeTypedValue = _

objSOAPXMLDoc.selectSingleNode("//pxml:imageData").dataType = _

Open txtFileName.Text For Binary Access Read As #1
ReDim btArr(LOF(1))
Get #1, , btArr()
Close #1

objSOAPXMLDoc.selectSingleNode("//pxml:imageData").nodeTypedValue = btArr
MsgBox objSOAPXMLDoc.xml "POST", "http://localhost/EmpImages/EmpImages.asmx", False

objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8"

objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "SOAPAction", _

objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(objSOAPXMLDoc.xml)

objXMLHTTP.send objSOAPXMLDoc.xml

MsgBox objXMLHTTP.Status & ": " & objXMLHTTP.statusText
MsgBox objXMLHTTP.responseText

Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing
Set objSOAPXMLDoc = Nothing

End Sub

Menutup Aplikasi Lain Berdasarkan Caption Menggunakan VB6

Mengenai cara menutup (close) aplikasi lain/luar berdasarkan caption yang ditentukan menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0 - Bagaimana kode menutup aplikasi lain menggunakan VB6 ini, bisa Anda simak kodenya di bawah ini:
Option Explicit

Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowTextLength Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextLengthA" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetNextWindow Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindow" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wFlag As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpdwProcessId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal process As Long, lpExitCode As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function TerminateProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal process As Long, ByVal uExitCode As Long) As Long

'Code that does the work
Public Function EndApplication(ByRef caption As String, ByRef frm As Form) As Boolean
Dim hwnd As Long
Dim appInstance As Long
Dim process As Long
Dim processID
Dim result As Boolean
Dim exitCode As Long
Dim returnValue As Long

On Error GoTo Error

If Trim(caption) = "" Then Exit Function
hwnd = FindWindowByTitle(caption, frm)
If hwnd = 0 Then Exit Do
appInstance = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, processID)
'Get a handle for the process we're looking for
process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0&, processID)
If process <> 0 Then
'Next get our exit code (for use later)
GetExitCodeProcess process, exitCode
'Check for an exit code of 9 (zero)
If exitCode <> 0 Then
'It's not zero so close the window
returnValue = TerminateProcess(process, exitCode)
If result = False Then result = returnValue > 0
End If
End If
EndApplication = result
' MsgBox (Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description)
End Function

Private Function FindWindowByTitle(ByRef str As String, ByRef frm As Form) As Long
Dim handle As Long
Dim caption As String
Dim sTitle As String

handle = frm.hwnd
sTitle = LCase(str)
If handle = 0 Then Exit Do
caption = LCase$(GetWindowCaption(handle))

If InStr(caption, sTitle) Then
FindWindowByTitle = handle
Exit Do
FindWindowByTitle = 0
End If
handle = GetNextWindow(handle, 2)
End Function

Private Function GetWindowCaption(ByRef handle As Long) As String
Dim str As String
Dim length As Long

length& = GetWindowTextLength(handle)
str = String(length, 0)
Call GetWindowText(handle, str, length + 1)
GetWindowCaption = str
End Function
Contoh penggunaan kode di atas:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Shell "Regedit", vbNormalFocus 'membuka regedit.exe
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
EndApplication "Registry Editor", Me 'menutup regedit.exe yang memiliki caption 'Registry Editor'
End Sub
READ MORE - Menutup Aplikasi Lain Berdasarkan Caption Menggunakan VB6

Manipulasi ShowInTaskBar Pada Form

Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long
Private Const GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20)
Private Const WS_EX_APPWINDOW = &H40000

Private Function ShowInTheTaskbar(frm As Form, b As Boolean)
Dim l As Long
SetWindowLong frm.hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, (GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE) And l)
End Function

Private Sub Check1_Click()
ShowInTheTaskbar Me, Check1.Value = 1 'toggle
End Sub
READ MORE - Manipulasi ShowInTaskBar Pada Form

XML VB6 - Mencari Node Tertentu Menggunakan XPath

Public Function SearchForNodes(ByVal strXML As String, ByVal strTag As String, ByVal strSearchText As String) As DOMDocument
'Will Search an XML String for a Tag-value pair and return
'the entire node containing that pair in the form
'EXAMPLE: 'Dim objXMLDoc As New DOMDocument
'Dim objXMLFound As DOMDocument 'Dim strXML As String
'Load XML from file 'If objXMLDoc.Load("C:\My Documents\MyXMLFile.xml") Then
'strXML = objXMLDoc.xml 'Search for a tag that looks like this in the xml:
'583 'Set objXMLFound = SearchForNodes(strXML, "User_ID", "583")
'Display the Node that was found 'Debug.Print objXMLFound.xml
'End If
Dim lngIterator As Long
Dim strResults As String
Dim objXMLSearchDocument As DOMDocument
Dim objXMLSearchElements As IXMLDOMSelection
Dim objXMLSearchElement As IXMLDOMElement
Dim strXPath As String
strResults = ""
Set objXMLSearchDocument = New DOMDocument
objXMLSearchDocument.async = False
objXMLSearchDocument.setProperty "SelectionLanguage", "XPath"
Call objXMLSearchDocument.loadXML(strXML)
Set objXMLSearchElements = objXMLSearchDocument.getElementsByTagName(strTag)
If objXMLSearchElements.length > 0 Then
Set objXMLSearchElement = objXMLSearchElements.Item(0)
Do Until Len(objXMLSearchElement.parentNode.baseName) = 0
strXPath = "/" + objXMLSearchElement.parentNode.baseName + strXPath
Set objXMLSearchElement = objXMLSearchElement.parentNode
Set objXMLSearchElement = Nothing
strXPath = strXPath + "[" + strTag + " = '" + strSearchText + "']"
End If
Set objXMLSearchElements = Nothing
If Len(strXPath) > 0 Then
Set objXMLSearchElements = objXMLSearchDocument.selectNodes(strXPath)

If objXMLSearchElements.length > 0 Then
For lngIterator = 0 To (objXMLSearchElements.length - 1)
strResults = strResults + objXMLSearchElements.Item(lngIterator).xml
Next lngIterator
End If
Set objXMLSearchElements = Nothing
End If
Set objXMLSearchDocument = Nothing
strResults = strResults + "
Set objXMLSearchDocument = New DOMDocument
objXMLSearchDocument.async = False
Call objXMLSearchDocument.loadXML(strResults)
Set SearchForNodes = objXMLSearchDocument
Set objXMLSearchDocument = Nothing
End Function
READ MORE - XML VB6 - Mencari Node Tertentu Menggunakan XPath

Spin Artikel Bahasa Indonesia

Apa yang dimaksud artikel spin/spin artikel/article spinner? bisa Anda baca di sini. Dengan kata lain artikel spin adalah mengganti kata dengan menggunakan sinonim dari kata tersebut secara besar-besaran. Tujuannya? Mengecoh mesin pencari agar artikel yang kita duplikatkan (copy paste) berubah menjadi sebuah konten unik menurut pengamatan robot/mesin pencari (bukan menurut pengamatan manusia). Contoh:

Saya akan pergi ke pasar. berubah menjadi
Ana berencana berangkat ke pasar. atau
Ane mau pergi ke pasar. atau
Aku berencana pergi ke pasar. atau
Gue akan berangkat ke pasar. atau
gw mo pergi ke pasar. atau
dan seterusnya. dan seterusnya.

Bukankah seluruh kalimat di atas tersebut unik menurut versi mesin pencari? Nah, bagaimana menurut versi manusia (saya dan Anda)?

Spin artikel bisa dikategorikan sebagai sebuah teknik SEO yang sedikit hitam yang dapat menyebabkan banyaknya duplikasi konten/sampah menurut pengamatan manusia. Tetapi dalam dunia sales online/reseller/affeliate hal ini tidak bisa dihindari. Ya saya ulangi, dalam dunia sales online hal ini tidak bisa dihindari. Satu produk dengan merk yang sama dijual oleh ribuah atau jutaan orang secara online.

Di bawah ini merupakan contoh kode spin artikel bahasa indonesia dengan menggunakan 5 kata dan sinonimnya (seharusnya 5000 kata beserta sinonimnya), yakni saya, pergi, blogger, gmail, akan.
Option Explicit 

Private Function
ChooseWord(choice As Variant, bWord, Optional bUnik As Boolean) As String

Dim i As Integer
strSpin() As String, strChooseWord As String
strSpin = Split(choice, ",")
If Not bUnik Then
i =
CInt((UBound(strSpin) * Rnd) + 1)
strChooseWord = strSpin(i - 1)
i =
CInt((UBound(strSpin) * Rnd) + 1)
strChooseWord = strSpin(i - 1)
Loop While strChooseWord = bWord
End If
ChooseWord = strChooseWord

End Function

Private Sub
Dim strResult As String
strSource As String
strResult = txtResult.Text
strSource = txtSource.Text

strResult = LCase(strSource)

arrWord() As String
arrWord(4) 'gantilah menjadi 40, 400, atau 4000
'apabila algoritmanya telah dimodif dan mantap maka
'tambahkan sinonim menjadi 40, 400, atau 4000
arrWord(0) = "saya, aku, ane, ana"
arrWord(1) = "pergi, berangkat"
arrWord(2) = " akan, berencana"
arrWord(3) = "blogger, blogspot, blog milik google (blogspot)"
arrWord(4) = "gmail,, google mail, layanan email milik google (gmail)"
Dim i As Integer, k As Integer

For i =
LBound(arrWord) To UBound(arrWord)
Dim strSpin() As String
strSpin = Split(arrWord(i), ",")
For k = LBound(strSpin) To UBound(strSpin)
If InStr(1, strSource, strSpin(k)) > 0 Then
strResult = Replace(strResult, strSpin(k), ChooseWord(arrWord(i), strSpin(k), Check1.Value = 1))
Exit For
End If
txtResult.Text = Trim$(strResult)
End Sub

Cobalah Anda kembangkan. Semoga kode spin artikel bahasa indonesia di atas bermanfaat. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya.
READ MORE - Spin Artikel Bahasa Indonesia

Alternatif Lain Menulis Kode Pada Posting Menggunakan Tag [P

Pernahkah Anda menulis kode dengan menggunakan tag <PRE> di blogspot. Jika belum, mungkin ini saatnya. Mengapa tag <PRE>? bukankah lebih baik menggunakan syntax highlighter? Tag <PRE> dalam kode HTML digunakan khusus untuk menuliskan kode. Dengan menggunakan tag <PRE> maka sebuah postingan akan memelihara indent dari kode tersebut, ini sangatlah penting. Penggunaan tag <PRE>: <PRE> code HTML, VB, C++, CSS, dll </PRE> Contoh kode CSS yang menggunakan tag <pre>:
<b:includable id='feedLinks'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<!-- Blog feed links -->
<b:if cond='data:feedLinks'>
<div class='blog-feeds'>
<b:include data='feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody' />
<b:else />
<!--Post feed links -->
<div class='post-feeds'>
<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
<b:if cond='data:post.feedLinks'>
<b:include data='post.feedLinks'
name='feedLinksBody' />
Bandingkan dengan kode di bawah:
<b:includable id='feedLinks'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'> <!-- Blog feed links -->
<b:if cond='data:feedLinks'>
<div class='blog-feeds'>
<b:include data='feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/>

<b:else/> <!--Post feed links -->
<div class='post-feeds'>
<b:loop values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
<b:if cond='data:post.feedLinks'>
<b:include data='post.feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/>
Kode VB6.0 di bawah ini menggunakan tag <PRE>:
'Automatic select listbox when mouse over
Option Explicit

Private Declare Function ClientToScreen Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Private Declare Function LBItemFromPt Lib "COMCTL32.DLL" (ByVal hLB As Long, ByVal ptX As Long, ByVal ptY As Long, ByVal bAutoScroll As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Long) As Long

Private Const LB_SETCURSEL = &H186
Private Const LB_GETCURSEL = &H188

Private Type POINTAPI
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type

Private Sub HightLightListBox(ByVal hwndLB As Long, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

Dim IndexItem As Long

Point.X = X \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
Point.Y = Y \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY

Call ClientToScreen(hwndLB, Point)

IndexItem = LBItemFromPt(hwndLB, Point.X, Point.Y, False)

If IndexItem <> SendMessage(hwndLB, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) Then
Call SendMessage(hwndLB, LB_SETCURSEL, IndexItem, 0)
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To 100
List1.AddItem 1234567 + i
End Sub

Private Sub List1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
HightLightListBox List1.hwnd, X, Y
End Sub
Bandingkan dengan yang di bawah:
'Automatic select listbox when mouse over
Option Explicit

Private Declare Function ClientToScreen Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Private Declare Function LBItemFromPt Lib "COMCTL32.DLL" (ByVal hLB As Long, ByVal ptX As Long, ByVal ptY As Long, ByVal bAutoScroll As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Long) As Long

Private Const LB_SETCURSEL = &H186
Private Const LB_GETCURSEL = &H188

Private Type POINTAPI
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type

Private Sub HightLightListBox(ByVal hwndLB As Long, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)

Dim IndexItem As Long

Point.X = X \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
Point.Y = Y \ Screen.TwipsPerPixelY

Call ClientToScreen(hwndLB, Point)

IndexItem = LBItemFromPt(hwndLB, Point.X, Point.Y, False)

If IndexItem <> SendMessage(hwndLB, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) Then
Call SendMessage(hwndLB, LB_SETCURSEL, IndexItem, 0)
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To 100
List1.AddItem 1234567 + i
End Sub

Private Sub List1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
HightLightListBox List1.hwnd, X, Y
End Sub
READ MORE - Alternatif Lain Menulis Kode Pada Posting Menggunakan Tag [P

Menutup Sebuah Aplikasi Secara Paksa (Force Terminate)

Public Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByRef lpdwProcessId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessID As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function TerminateProcess Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal uExitCode As Long) As Long

Private Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000
Private Const PROCESS_TERMINATE As Long = &H1

Public Sub terminateApp(ByVal sWindowTitle As String, ByVal fSilent As Boolean)

Dim lHwnd As Long
Dim lProc As Long
Dim lProcHnd As Long

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

sWindowTitle = "Inbox - Thunderbird"
sWindowTitle = "Test"

lHwnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, sWindowTitle)
If lHwnd = 0 Then
If fSilent Then
Exit Sub
Err.Raise 1, , "Can"
End If
End If

GetWindowThreadProcessId lHwnd, lProc
If lProc = 0 Then
If fSilent Then
Exit Sub
Err.Raise 1, , "Can"
End If
End If

lProcHnd = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE Or PROCESS_TERMINATE, 0, lProc)
If lProcHnd = 0 Then
If fSilent Then
Exit Sub
Err.Raise 1, , "Can"
End If
End If

If TerminateProcess(lProcHnd, 0&) <> 0 Then
If Not fSilent Then
Err.Raise 1, , "Failed to terminate process"
End If
End If

CloseHandle lProcHnd

Exit Sub


Err.Raise Err.Number, , Err.Description

End Sub
READ MORE - Menutup Sebuah Aplikasi Secara Paksa (Force Terminate)

Menutup Sebuah Aplikasi Secara Request

Public Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

Private Const WM_CLOSE As Long = &H10

Public Sub closeApp(ByVal sWindowTitle As String, Optional ByVal fSilent As Boolean = False)
Dim lHwnd As Long
On Error GoTo ErrHandler

lHwnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, sWindowTitle)

If lHwnd = 0 Then
If Not fSilent Then
Err.Raise 1, , "Can"
End If
PostMessage lHwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0
End If

Exit Sub

Err.Raise Err.Number, , Err.Description
End Sub
READ MORE - Menutup Sebuah Aplikasi Secara Request

Aplikasi Untuk Melihat Warna Yang Ada Di bawah Pointer

'simpan kode di bawah pada module
Option Explicit

Private Declare Function CreateDC& Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateDCA" (ByVal lpDriverName As String, ByVal lpDeviceName As String, ByVal lpOutput As String, lpInitData As Any)
Private Declare Function DeleteDC& Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long)
Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long

Private Type POINTAPI
X As Long
Y As Long
End Type

Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
'simpan kode di bawah pada form
'Timer.Interval = 1
'Picture1.AutoRedraw = True

'Option Explicit


Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Timer1.Enabled = True
Picture1.MousePointer = vbCrosshair
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
Timer1.Enabled = False
Picture1.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim screendc As Long
GetCursorPos pt
screendc = CreateDC("DISPLAY", "", "", 0&)
Picture1.BackColor = GetPixel(screendc, pt.X, pt.Y)
Text1.Text = "#" & Hex(GetPixel(screendc, pt.X, pt.Y))
DeleteDC (screendc)
End Sub
READ MORE - Aplikasi Untuk Melihat Warna Yang Ada Di bawah Pointer

Membuat Assosiasi Untuk Sebuah File

Option Explicit


' Parameters
' Required Extension (Str) ie ".exe"
' Required FileType (Str) ie "VB.Form"
' Required FileTYpeName (Str) ie. "Visual Basic Form"
' Required Action (Str) ie. "Open" or "Edit"
' Required AppPath (Str) ie. "C:\Myapp"
' Optional Switch (Str) ie. "/u" Default = ""
' Optional SetIcon (Bol) Default = False
' Optional DefaultIcon (Str) ie. "C:\Myapp,0"
' Optional PromptOnError (Bol) Default = False

' Extension(Str) Default = FileType(Str)
' FileType(Str) Default = FileTypeName(Str)
' "DefaultIcon" Default = DefaultIcon(Str)
' "shell"
' Action(Str)
' "command" Default = AppPath(Str) & switch(Str) & " %1"

' Private Sub cmdCreateAsso_Click()
' CreateFileAss ".wrs", "Warisan File", "Warisan File", "open", "c:\Warisan.exe", , True, "C:\Warisan.exe", True
' End Sub

' Private Konstanta dalam local
Private Const REG_SZ As Long = 1
Private Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
Private Const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0
Private Const KEY_ALL_ACCESS = &H3F
Private PromptOnErr As Boolean

' Global API deklarasi yang berhubungan dengan registry
Public Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function RegCreateKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegCreateKeyExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal lpClass As String, ByVal dwOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, ByVal lpSecurityAttributes As Long, phkResult As Long, lpdwDisposition As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, ByVal ulOptions As Long, ByVal samDesired As Long, phkResult As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function RegSetValueExString Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, ByVal lpValue As String, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function RegSetValueExLong Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, lpValue As Long, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long

Public Function CreateFileAss(Extension As String, FileType As String, FileTypeName As String, Action As String, AppPath As String, Optional Switch As String = "", Optional SetIcon As Boolean = False, Optional DefaultIcon As String, Optional PromptOnError As Boolean = False) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

PromptOnErr = PromptOnError

' Cek keberadaan AppPath
If Dir(AppPath, vbNormal) = "" Then
If PromptOnError Then MsgBox "The application path '" & _
AppPath & "' cannot be found.", _
vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "DLL/OCX Register"

CreateFileAss = False
Exit Function
End If

Dim ERROR_CHARS As String: ERROR_CHARS = "\/:*?<>|" & Chr(34)
Dim I As Integer

If Asc(Extension) <> 46 Then Extension = "." & Extension
' Cek bahwa extension mempunyai "." di depannya

' Cek apabila ada karakter yang invalid dalam ekstension
For I = 1 To Len(Extension)
If InStr(1, ERROR_CHARS, Mid(Extension, I, 1), vbTextCompare) Then
If PromptOnError Then MsgBox "The file extension '" & Extension & "' contains an illegal char (\/:*?<>|" & Chr(34) & ").", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "DLL/OCX Register"
CreateFileAss = False
Exit Function
End If

If Switch <> "" Then Switch = " " & Trim(Switch)
Action = FileType & "\shell\" & Action & "\command"

Call CreateSubKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Extension) ' membuat ekstension .xxx key
Call CreateSubKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Action) ' Membuat action key

If SetIcon Then
Call CreateSubKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, (FileType & "\DefaultIcon")) ' Membuat ikon default key
If DefaultIcon = "" Then
' Set default ikon Euy..
Call SetKeyDefault(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, FileType & "\DefaultIcon", Trim(AppPath & ",0"))
Call SetKeyDefault(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, FileType & "\DefaultIcon", Trim(DefaultIcon))
End If
End If

Call SetKeyDefault(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Extension, FileType) ' Set .xxx key default
Call SetKeyDefault(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, FileType, FileTypeName) ' Set file type default
Call SetKeyDefault(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Action, AppPath & Switch & " %1") ' Set Command line
CreateFileAss = True
Exit Function


If PromptOnError Then MsgBox "An error occured while attempting to create the file extension '" & Extension & "'.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "DLL/OCX Register"
CreateFileAss = False
End Function


Private Function CreateSubKey(RootKey As Long, NewKey As String) As Boolean
Dim hKey As Long, regReply As Long
regReply = RegCreateKeyEx(RootKey, NewKey, _

If regReply <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then
If PromptOnErr Then MsgBox "An error occured while attempting to to create a registery key.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "DLL/OCX Register"
CreateSubKey = False
CreateSubKey = True
End If

Call RegCloseKey(hKey)
End Function


Private Function SetKeyDefault(RootKey As Long, Address As String, Value As String) As Boolean
Dim regReply As Long, hKey As Long
regReply = RegOpenKeyEx(RootKey, Address, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, hKey)

If regReply <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then
If PromptOnErr Then MsgBox "An error occured while attempting to access the registery.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "DLL/OCX Register"
SetKeyDefault = False
Exit Function
End If

Value = Value & Chr(0)

regReply = RegSetValueExString(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, Value, Len(Value))

If regReply <> ERROR_SUCCESS Then
If PromptOnErr Then MsgBox "An error occured while attempting to set key default value.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "DLL/OCX Register"
SetKeyDefault = False
SetKeyDefault = True
End If

Call RegCloseKey(hKey)
End Function
READ MORE - Membuat Assosiasi Untuk Sebuah File

Membikin Menu Multi Kolom (Win32) - (API Call)

cbSize As Long
fMask As Long
fType As Long
fState As Long
wID As Long
hSubMenu As Long
hbmpChecked As Long
hbmpUnchecked As Long
dwItemData As Long
dwTypeData As String
cch As Long
End Type

Private Const MF_MENUBARBREAK = &H20&
Private Const MF_MENUBREAK = &H40&
Private Const MF_STRING = &H0&
Private Const MF_HELP = &H4000&
Private Const MFS_DEFAULT = &H1000&
Private Const MIIM_ID = &H2
Private Const MIIM_SUBMENU = &H4
Private Const MIIM_TYPE = &H10
Private Const MIIM_DATA = &H20
Private Declare Function GetMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetMenuItemInfo Lib "user32" Alias "GetMenuItemInfoA" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal un As Long, ByVal B As Boolean, lpMenuItemInfo As MENUITEMINFO) As Long
Private Declare Function SetMenuItemInfo Lib "user32" Alias "SetMenuItemInfoA" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal un As Long, ByVal bool As Boolean, lpcMenuItemInfo As MENUITEMINFO) As Long
Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetSubMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal nPos As Long) As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim mnuItemInfo As MENUITEMINFO, hMenu As Long, hSubMenu As Long
Dim BuffStr As String * 80

hMenu = GetMenu(Me.hwnd)
BuffStr = Space(80)
With mnuItemInfo
.cbSize = Len(mnuItemInfo)
.dwTypeData = BuffStr & Chr(0)
.fType = MF_STRING
.cch = Len(mnuItemInfo.dwTypeData)
End With
hSubMenu = GetSubMenu(hMenu, 0)
If GetMenuItemInfo(hSubMenu, 2, True, mnuItemInfo) = 0 Then
MsgBox "GetMenuItemInfo failed. Error: " & Err.LastDllError, , "Error"
mnuItemInfo.fType = mnuItemInfo.fType Or MF_MENUBARBREAK
If SetMenuItemInfo(hSubMenu, 2, True, mnuItemInfo) = 0 Then
MsgBox "SetMenuItemInfo failed. Error: " & Err.LastDllError, , "Error"
End If
End If
DrawMenuBar (Me.hwnd)
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim mnuItemInfo As MENUITEMINFO, hMenu As Long, hSubMenu As Long
Dim BuffStr As String * 80

hMenu = GetMenu(Me.hwnd)
BuffStr = Space(80)

With mnuItemInfo
.cbSize = Len(mnuItemInfo)
.dwTypeData = BuffStr & Chr(0)
.fType = MF_STRING
.cch = Len(mnuItemInfo.dwTypeData)
End With
hSubMenu = GetSubMenu(hMenu, 1)
If GetMenuItemInfo(hSubMenu, 2, True, mnuItemInfo) = 0 Then
MsgBox "GetMenuItemInfo failed. Error: " & Err.LastDllError, , "Error"
mnuItemInfo.fType = mnuItemInfo.fType Or MF_MENUBREAK
If SetMenuItemInfo(hSubMenu, 2, True, mnuItemInfo) = 0 Then
MsgBox "SetMenuItemInfo failed. Error: " & Err.LastDllError, , "Error"
End If
End If
DrawMenuBar (Me.hwnd)
End Sub
READ MORE - Membikin Menu Multi Kolom (Win32) - (API Call)

Membikin Area Transparan Obyek Geometri - (API Call)

Private Declare Function CreateRoundRectRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long, ByVal X3 As Long, ByVal Y3 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateRectRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateEllipticRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CombineRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestRgn As Long, ByVal hSrcRgn1 As Long, ByVal hSrcRgn2 As Long, ByVal nCombineMode As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowRgn Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVal bRedraw As Long) As Long

Private Function fMakeATranspArea(AreaType As String, pCordinate() As Long) As Boolean
Const RGN_DIFF = 4
Dim lOriginalForm As Long
Dim ltheHole As Long
Dim lNewForm As Long
Dim lFwidth As Single
Dim lFHeight As Single
Dim lborder_width As Single
Dim ltitle_height As Single
On Error GoTo Trap
lFwidth = ScaleX(Width, vbTwips, vbPixels)
lFHeight = ScaleY(Height, vbTwips, vbPixels)
lOriginalForm = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, lFwidth, lFHeight)

lborder_width = (lFHeight - ScaleWidth) / 2
ltitle_height = lFHeight - lborder_width - ScaleHeight
Select Case AreaType

Case "Elliptic"
ltheHole = CreateEllipticRgn(pCordinate(1), pCordinate(2), pCordinate(3), pCordinate(4))
Case "RectAngle"
ltheHole = CreateRectRgn(pCordinate(1), pCordinate(2), pCordinate(3), pCordinate(4))
Case "RoundRect"
ltheHole = CreateRoundRectRgn(pCordinate(1), pCordinate(2), pCordinate(3), pCordinate(4), pCordinate(5), pCordinate(6))
Case "Circle"
ltheHole = CreateRoundRectRgn(pCordinate(1), pCordinate(2), pCordinate(3), pCordinate(4), pCordinate(3), pCordinate(4))
Case Else
MsgBox "Unknown Shape!!"
Exit Function
End Select
lNewForm = CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0)
CombineRgn lNewForm, lOriginalForm, _
ltheHole, RGN_DIFF

SetWindowRgn hWnd, lNewForm, True
fMakeATranspArea = True
Exit Function
MsgBox "error Occurred. Error # " & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim lParam(1 To 6) As Long
lParam(1) = 100
lParam(2) = 100
lParam(3) = 250
lParam(4) = 250
lParam(5) = 50
lParam(6) = 50
Call fMakeATranspArea("Circle", lParam())
End Sub
READ MORE - Membikin Area Transparan Obyek Geometri - (API Call)

Asc: Mengenal Fungsi String VB6

Asc - Kegunaan fungsi string dalam VB6.

Kegunaan Asc dalam VB6:

Fungsi Asc berguna untuk memperoleh nilai angka yang merupakan kode ANSI dari sebuah string.

Contoh Asc dalam VB6:

    txtHasil.Text = Asc("A") 'maka akan memperoleh nilai 65
'demikian juga
txtHasil.Text = Asc("AAA") 'maka akan memperoleh nilai 65
'demikian juga
txtHasil.Text = Asc("AB") 'akan memperoleh nilai 65

Catatan mengenai Asc dalam VB6:

Dari ketiga contoh di atas yang menjadi patokan adalah karakter pertama, selanjutnya karakter pertama tersebut akan dirubah menjadi kode ANSI berupa angka, yang secara kebetulan dalam contoh di atas adalah karakter A dan kode ANSI untuk karakter A adalah 65.

Demikian fungsi string Asc dalam VB6, semoga bermanfaat bagi mereka yang sedang ingin mengetahui fungsi-fungsi string dalam VB6 khususnya fungsi string Asc.

READ MORE - Asc: Mengenal Fungsi String VB6

LCase: Mengenal Fungsi String VB6

LCase - Mengenal fungsi-fungsi string dalam VB6

 Kegunaan LCase dalam VB6:

Fungsi LCase berguna untuk mengkonversi seluruh string menjadi huruf kecil.

Contoh LCase dalam VB6:

    Msgbox LCase("Jakarta Bandung") 'maka jakarta bandung
Demikian kegunaan fungsi string LCase dalam VB6, semoga bermanfaat.
READ MORE - LCase: Mengenal Fungsi String VB6

Filter: Mengenal Fungsi String VB6

Filter- Kegunaan fungsi string dalam VB6.

Kegunaan Filter dalam VB6:

Fungsi Filter berguna untuk memfilter sebuah array (include atau exclude).

Contoh Filter dalam VB6:

Option Explicit

'Contoh include (memperoleh string yang sama dengan "B" dari arrTest)
'dan case-sensitive (memperdulikan apakah B huruf besar atau huruf kecil)
Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click()
Dim arrTest() As String
Dim arrMatch() As String

arrTest = Split("A,B,C,D,B,B,B,B,B,B,B,C", ",")
arrMatch = Filter(arrTest, "B", True)

MsgBox "Banyaknya string yang sesuai: " & UBound(arrMatch)
txtResult.Text = arrMatch(0) & " " & arrMatch(1) & " " & arrMatch(2) & " " & arrMatch(3)
End Sub

'Contoh include (memperoleh string yang sama dengan "B" dari arrTest)
'dan case-insensitive (tidak memperdulikan apakah B huruf besar atau huruf kecil)
Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click()
Dim arrTest() As String
Dim arrMatch() As String

arrTest = Split("A,B,C,D,B,B,B,B,B,B,B,C", ",")
arrMatch = Filter(arrTest, "B", True, vbTextCompare)

MsgBox "Banyaknya string yang sesuai: " & UBound(arrMatch)
txtResult.Text = arrMatch(0) & " " & arrMatch(1) & " " & arrMatch(2) & " " & arrMatch(3)
End Sub

'contoh exclude (memperoleh string yang tidak sama dengan "B" dari arrTest)
Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click()
Dim arrTest() As String
Dim arrMatch() As String

arrTest = Split("A,B,C,D,B,B,B,B,B,B,B,C", ",")
arrMatch = Filter(arrTest, "B", False)

MsgBox "Banyaknya string yang sesuai: " & UBound(arrMatch)
txtResult.Text = arrMatch(0) & " " & arrMatch(1) & " " & arrMatch(2) & " " & arrMatch(3)
End Sub
Demikian contoh fungsi string Filter sebuah Array dalam VB6.
READ MORE - Filter: Mengenal Fungsi String VB6

Chr: Mengenal Fungsi String VB6

Chr - Kegunaan fungsi string dalam VB6.

Kegunaan Chr dalam VB6:

Fungsi Chr berguna untuk memperoleh string dari kode karakter.

Contoh Chr dalam VB6:

    txtHasil.Text = Chr(65)    ' akan memperoleh A.
txtHasil.Text = Chr(97) ' akan memperoleh a.
txtHasil.Text = Chr(62) ' akan memperoleh >.
txtHasil.Text = Chr(37) ' akan memperoleh %.
Demikian fungsi string Chr dalam VB6, semoga bermanfaat.
READ MORE - Chr: Mengenal Fungsi String VB6

Right: Mengenal Fungsi String Dalam VB6

Right- Mengenal fungsi-fungsi string dalam VB6

Kegunaan Right dalam VB6:

Fungsi Right berguna untuk memperoleh string dari kiri ke kanan sejumlah yang telah ditentukan

Contoh Right dalam VB6:

Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click()
MsgBox Right("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 1) 'akan memperoleh "u"
MsgBox Right("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 2) 'akam memperoleh "tu"
MsgBox Right("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 3) 'akan memperoleh "stu"
MsgBox Right("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 4) 'akan memperoleh "rstu"
MsgBox Right("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 5) 'akan memperoleh "qratu"

'dan seterusnya
End Sub
Demikian kegunaan fungsi string Right dalam VB6, semoga bermanfaat.
READ MORE - Right: Mengenal Fungsi String Dalam VB6

Left: Mengenal Fungsi String Dalam VB6

Left - Mengenal fungsi-fungsi string dalam VB6

 Kegunaan Left dalam VB6:

Fungsi LCase berguna untuk memperoleh string dari kiri ke kanan sejumlah yang telah ditentukan

Contoh Left dalam VB6:

Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click()
    MsgBox Left("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 1) 'akan memperoleh "a"
    MsgBox Left("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 2) 'akam memperoleh "ab"
    MsgBox Left("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 3) 'akan memperoleh "abc"
    MsgBox Left("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 4) 'akan memperoleh "abcd"
    MsgBox Left("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 5) 'akan memperoleh "abcde"

'dan seterusnya
End Sub
Demikian kegunaan fungsi string Left dalam VB6, semoga bermanfaat.
READ MORE - Left: Mengenal Fungsi String Dalam VB6

UCase: Mengenal Fungsi String VB6

UCase - Mengenal fungsi-fungsi string dalam VB6

 Kegunaan UCase dalam VB6:

Fungsi UCase berguna untuk mengkonversi seluruh string menjadi huruf besar.

Contoh UCase dalam VB6:

    Msgbox LCase("Jakarta Bandung") 'maka akan menjadi JAKARTA BANDUNG
Demikian kegunaan fungsi string UCase dalam VB6, semoga bermanfaat.
READ MORE - UCase: Mengenal Fungsi String VB6

Encode-Decode String Base64 Secara Cepat

Option Explicit

Private Const clOneMask = 16515072 '000000 111111 111111 111111
Private Const clTwoMask = 258048 '111111 000000 111111 111111
Private Const clThreeMask = 4032 '111111 111111 000000 111111
Private Const clFourMask = 63 '111111 111111 111111 000000

Private Const clHighMask = 16711680 '11111111 00000000 00000000
Private Const clMidMask = 65280 '00000000 11111111 00000000
Private Const clLowMask = 255 '00000000 00000000 11111111

Private Const cl2Exp18 = 262144 '2 to the 18th power
Private Const cl2Exp12 = 4096 '2 to the 12th
Private Const cl2Exp6 = 64 '2 to the 6th
Private Const cl2Exp8 = 256 '2 to the 8th
Private Const cl2Exp16 = 65536 '2 to the 16th

Public Function Encode64(sString As String) As String

Dim bTrans(63) As Byte, lPowers8(255) As Long, lPowers16(255) As Long, bOut() As Byte, bIn() As Byte
Dim lChar As Long, lTrip As Long, iPad As Integer, lLen As Long, lTemp As Long, lPos As Long, lOutSize As Long

For lTemp = 0 To 63 'Fill the translation table.
Select Case lTemp
Case 0 To 25
bTrans(lTemp) = 65 + lTemp 'A - Z
Case 26 To 51
bTrans(lTemp) = 71 + lTemp 'a - z
Case 52 To 61
bTrans(lTemp) = lTemp - 4 '1 - 0
Case 62
bTrans(lTemp) = 43 'Chr(43) = "+"
Case 63
bTrans(lTemp) = 47 'Chr(47) = "/"
End Select
Next lTemp

For lTemp = 0 To 255 'Fill the 2^8 and 2^16 lookup tables.
lPowers8(lTemp) = lTemp * cl2Exp8
lPowers16(lTemp) = lTemp * cl2Exp16
Next lTemp

iPad = Len(sString) Mod 3 'See if the length is divisible by 3
If iPad Then 'If not, figure out the end pad and resize the input.
iPad = 3 - iPad
sString = sString & String(iPad, Chr(0))
End If

bIn = StrConv(sString, vbFromUnicode) 'Load the input string.
lLen = ((UBound(bIn) + 1) \ 3) * 4 'Length of resulting string.
lTemp = lLen \ 72 'Added space for vbCrLfs.
lOutSize = ((lTemp * 2) + lLen) - 1 'Calculate the size of the output buffer.
ReDim bOut(lOutSize) 'Make the output buffer.

lLen = 0 'Reusing this one, so reset it.

For lChar = LBound(bIn) To UBound(bIn) Step 3
lTrip = lPowers16(bIn(lChar)) + lPowers8(bIn(lChar + 1)) + bIn(lChar + 2) 'Combine the 3 bytes
lTemp = lTrip And clOneMask 'Mask for the first 6 bits
bOut(lPos) = bTrans(lTemp \ cl2Exp18) 'Shift it down to the low 6 bits and get the value
lTemp = lTrip And clTwoMask 'Mask for the second set.
bOut(lPos + 1) = bTrans(lTemp \ cl2Exp12) 'Shift it down and translate.
lTemp = lTrip And clThreeMask 'Mask for the third set.
bOut(lPos + 2) = bTrans(lTemp \ cl2Exp6) 'Shift it down and translate.
bOut(lPos + 3) = bTrans(lTrip And clFourMask) 'Mask for the low set.
If lLen = 68 Then 'Ready for a newline
bOut(lPos + 4) = 13 'Chr(13) = vbCr
bOut(lPos + 5) = 10 'Chr(10) = vbLf
lLen = 0 'Reset the counter
lPos = lPos + 6
lLen = lLen + 4
lPos = lPos + 4
End If
Next lChar

If bOut(lOutSize) = 10 Then lOutSize = lOutSize - 2 'Shift the padding chars down if it ends with CrLf.

If iPad = 1 Then 'Add the padding chars if any.
bOut(lOutSize) = 61 'Chr(61) = "="
ElseIf iPad = 2 Then
bOut(lOutSize) = 61
bOut(lOutSize - 1) = 61
End If

Encode64 = StrConv(bOut, vbUnicode) 'Convert back to a string and return it.

End Function

Public Function Decode64(sString As String) As String

Dim bOut() As Byte, bIn() As Byte, bTrans(255) As Byte, lPowers6(63) As Long, lPowers12(63) As Long
Dim lPowers18(63) As Long, lQuad As Long, iPad As Integer, lChar As Long, lPos As Long, sOut As String
Dim lTemp As Long

sString = Replace(sString, vbCr, vbNullString) 'Get rid of the vbCrLfs. These could be in...
sString = Replace(sString, vbLf, vbNullString) 'either order.

lTemp = Len(sString) Mod 4 'Test for valid input.
If lTemp Then
Call Err.Raise(vbObjectError, "MyDecode", "Input string is not valid Base64.")
End If

If InStrRev(sString, "==") Then 'InStrRev is faster when you know it's at the end.
iPad = 2 'Note: These translate to 0, so you can leave them...
ElseIf InStrRev(sString, "=") Then 'in the string and just resize the output.
iPad = 1
End If

For lTemp = 0 To 255 'Fill the translation table.
Select Case lTemp
Case 65 To 90
bTrans(lTemp) = lTemp - 65 'A - Z
Case 97 To 122
bTrans(lTemp) = lTemp - 71 'a - z
Case 48 To 57
bTrans(lTemp) = lTemp + 4 '1 - 0
Case 43
bTrans(lTemp) = 62 'Chr(43) = "+"
Case 47
bTrans(lTemp) = 63 'Chr(47) = "/"
End Select
Next lTemp

For lTemp = 0 To 63 'Fill the 2^6, 2^12, and 2^18 lookup tables.
lPowers6(lTemp) = lTemp * cl2Exp6
lPowers12(lTemp) = lTemp * cl2Exp12
lPowers18(lTemp) = lTemp * cl2Exp18
Next lTemp

bIn = StrConv(sString, vbFromUnicode) 'Load the input byte array.
ReDim bOut((((UBound(bIn) + 1) \ 4) * 3) - 1) 'Prepare the output buffer.

For lChar = 0 To UBound(bIn) Step 4
lQuad = lPowers18(bTrans(bIn(lChar))) + lPowers12(bTrans(bIn(lChar + 1))) + _
lPowers6(bTrans(bIn(lChar + 2))) + bTrans(bIn(lChar + 3)) 'Rebuild the bits.
lTemp = lQuad And clHighMask 'Mask for the first byte
bOut(lPos) = lTemp \ cl2Exp16 'Shift it down
lTemp = lQuad And clMidMask 'Mask for the second byte
bOut(lPos + 1) = lTemp \ cl2Exp8 'Shift it down
bOut(lPos + 2) = lQuad And clLowMask 'Mask for the third byte
lPos = lPos + 3
Next lChar

sOut = StrConv(bOut, vbUnicode) 'Convert back to a string.
If iPad Then sOut = Left$(sOut, Len(sOut) - iPad) 'Chop off any extra bytes.
Decode64 = sOut

End Function
READ MORE - Encode-Decode String Base64 Secara Cepat

LTrim - RTrim - Trim: Mengenal Fungsi String Dalam VB6

LTrim - RTrim - Trim - Mengenal fungsi-fungsi string dalam VB6

Kegunaan LTrim - RTrim - Trim dalam VB6:

Fungsi LTrim berguna untuk menghilangkan spasi yang ada di sebelah kiri.
Fungsi RTrim berguna untuk menghilangkan spasi yang ada di sebelah kanan.
Fungsi Trim berguna untuk menghilangkan spasi di sebelah kiri dan kanan.

Contoh LTrim - RTrim - Trim dalam VB6:

Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click()
MsgBox (" abc ") 'dengan spasi di kiri dan di kanan
MsgBox LTrim(" abc ") 'menjadi "abc " menghilangkan spasi kiri
MsgBox RTrim(" abc ") 'menjadi " abc" menghilangkan spasi kanan
MsgBox Trim(" abc ") 'menjadi "abc" menghilang spasi kiri dan kanan
End Sub
Demikian kegunaan fungsi string LTrim - RTrim - Trim dalam VB6, semoga bermanfaat.
READ MORE - LTrim - RTrim - Trim: Mengenal Fungsi String Dalam VB6

Mid: Mengenal Fungsi String Dalam VB6

Mid - Mengenal fungsi-fungsi string dalam VB6

Kegunaan Mid dalam VB6:

Fungsi Mid berguna untuk memperoleh string dari awal yang ditentukan dan jumlah yang ditentukan

Contoh Mid dalam VB6:

Private Sub cmdEvaluate_Click()
Debug.Print Mid("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 1, 1) 'akan memperoleh "a"
Debug.Print Mid("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 2, 1) 'akam memperoleh "b"
Debug.Print Mid("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 1, 3) 'akan memperoleh "abc"
Debug.Print Mid("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 2, 4) 'akan memperoleh "bcde"
Debug.Print Mid("abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", 2, 5) 'akan memperoleh "bcdef"

'dan seterusnya
End Sub
Demikian kegunaan fungsi string Mid dalam VB6, semoga bermanfaat.
READ MORE - Mid: Mengenal Fungsi String Dalam VB6

VB6 WebBrowser - Menampilkan Pop Up

Private Sub WebBrowser1_NewWindow2(ppDisp As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim frm As Form1
Set frm = New Form1
Set ppDisp = frm.WebBrowser1.Object
End Sub
READ MORE - VB6 WebBrowser - Menampilkan Pop Up

Membuat Aplikasi Console Sederhana Menggunakan VB6

Option Explicit
'Reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime.

Public SIn As Scripting.TextStream
Public SOut As Scripting.TextStream

'--- Only required for testing in IDE or Windows Subsystem ===
Private Declare Function AllocConsole Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Private Declare Function GetConsoleTitle Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "GetConsoleTitleA" ( _
ByVal lpConsoleTitle As String, _
ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function FreeConsole Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Private Allocated As Boolean

Private Sub Setup()
Dim Title As String

Title = Space$(260)
If GetConsoleTitle(Title, 260) = 0 Then
Allocated = True
End If
End Sub

Private Sub TearDown()
If Allocated Then
SOut.Write "Press enter to continue..."
End If
End Sub
'--- End testing ---------------------------------------------

Private Sub Main()
Setup 'Omit for Console Subsystem.

With New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set SIn = .GetStandardStream(StdIn)
Set SOut = .GetStandardStream(StdOut)
End With

SOut.WriteLine "Any output you want"
SOut.WriteLine "Goes here"

TearDown 'Omit for Console Subsystem.
End Sub
READ MORE - Membuat Aplikasi Console Sederhana Menggunakan VB6

Cara Membulatkan Angka Yang Berada Di belakang Koma

Mengenai cara membulatkan angka yang berada di belakang koma - Adapun cara membulatkan angka di belakang koma adalah sebagai berikut:
Text1.Text = Format (0.026, "#0.##")
Maka dari kode di atas akan diperoleh 0.03
READ MORE - Cara Membulatkan Angka Yang Berada Di belakang Koma

Contoh Fungsi API GetTickCount Dalam VB6

Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim StartTime As Long
Dim EndTime As Long
Dim M As Long
Dim K As Long
Dim X As Double

For M = 1 To 10

StartTime = GetTickCount

For K = 1 To 10000000
X = X * 1.01
X = X / 1.01
Next K

EndTime = GetTickCount

List1.AddItem EndTime - StartTime

Next M

End Sub
READ MORE - Contoh Fungsi API GetTickCount Dalam VB6

Parse XML Menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0

Sub ParseXmlDocument()
Dim doc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument
Dim success As Boolean

success = doc.Load(App.Path & "\test.xml")
If success = False Then
MsgBox doc.parseError.reason
Dim nodeList As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList

Set nodeList = doc.selectNodes("/Report/Categories/Category")

If Not nodeList Is Nothing Then
Dim node As MSXML2.IXMLDOMNode
Dim name As String
Dim value As String

For Each node In nodeList
' Could also do node.attributes.getNamedItem("name").text
name = node.selectSingleNode("@name").Text
value = node.selectSingleNode("@value").Text
Next node
End If
End If
End Sub
READ MORE - Parse XML Menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0

VB6 Source Code - Membuat Virtual Drive Menggunakan VB6

Mengenai cara membuat Virtual Drive menggunakan Visual Basic 6 - Bagaimanakah cara membuat virtual drive menggunakan VB6 dengan bantuan Command DOS Subst.exe, berikut adalah contohnya:
Private Function MountVirtualDrive(vd As String, path As String)
'Perintah di bawah untuk melakukan mounting/membuat virtual drive
'subst.exe x: c:/windows/system32 'melakukan mounting path terhadap virtual drive x
Shell "Subst.exe " & vd & path
End Function

Private Function UnMountVirtualDrive(vd As String)
'Perintah di bawah untuk unmounting/release virtual drive
'subst.exe x: /d 'melakukan unmounting virtual drive x:
Shell "Subst.exe " & vd & " /d"
End Function
Demikian cara sederhana mengenai pembuatan virtual drive menggunakan VB6 dengan bantuan DOS Command Subst.exe, semoga bermanfaat.
READ MORE - VB6 Source Code - Membuat Virtual Drive Menggunakan VB6

Cara Mem-Print Sebuah Gambar Yang Ada Dalam PictureBox

Mengenai cara mem-print gambar yang terdapat pada objek PictureBox menggunakan VB6 - Adapun cara mem-print gambar yang terdapat pada PictureBox menggunakan VB6 adalah sebagai berikut:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Printer.PaintPicture Picture1.Picture, 0, 0, Picture1.Width, Picture1.Height
End Sub
Demikian sederhana cara mem-print sebuah gambar yang terdapat pada PictureBox menggunakan VB6.
READ MORE - Cara Mem-Print Sebuah Gambar Yang Ada Dalam PictureBox